Transparency and quality

Through our various accreditations and labels, we strive for excellence through a continuous improvement process that takes into account all aspects of teaching and research.
We are committed to respecting our stakeholders and measuring the school's social and environmental impact.


The only business school in Geneva to play the school-business duality game 100%.

Our Vision
and Mission

Transform students into Metagiles® professionals, committed, responsible and competitive in a complex job market.

Quality assurance charter

IMSG has been closely linked to the principles of the continuous improvement approach since its creation in 2016.

Research Laboratory

The research work is in line with the Mutations et Agilités Chair's focus on the skills of the future, known as Métagiles® skills.

They trust us


They trust us

Whether it's partner universities, companies or alumni, the IMSG is a learning community where each stakeholder reinforces the bonds of trust by placing the student at the center of the process.

Information, program and appointment request

First name