In addition to these accreditations, IMSG is a member of AACSB and EFMD. In addition, we have been selected to participate in a sustainability project set up by the Republic and Canton of Geneva in 2023.
This project aims to develop a corporate sustainability strategy that underlines our ongoing commitment to improvement and positive impact.


EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) accreditation to define strategy and raise stakeholder awareness.
This accreditation emphasizes alignment between vision, mission, objectives and action plans, while mobilizing corporate culture and leadership at all levels.



Member of the Swiss Private School Register Foundation for IMSG reliability recognition.
The Swiss Private School Register Foundation is unique in Switzerland and officially recognized.
It certifies that the schools listed in the Register are serious, reliable and of high quality.
The Swiss Private School Register thus contributes to the good reputation of Switzerland as a place of education through its private schools.



Entry into the Equimil scheme to mark the principle of validation of acquired experience.
The label creates a bridge between military skills and the academic world.



Obtained eduQua accreditation for continuing education.
This guarantees transparency, comparabilitý and quality.



Recognition by the FEP as part of the professionalization process.
The IMSG is one of four institutions recognized by the FEP (Formation Entrepreneurs PME Suisse), which governs the federal diploma for SME management specialists.



1+ label for all, demonstrating the responsibility and proximity of the IMSG.
This label, awarded by the State of Geneva, marks a strong commitment to local and responsible development.



FIDE label for integration through language.
The IMSG is a FIDE center (Français, Italiano, Deutsch) as a lever for integration in Switzerland.



B Corp certification for transparency and extra-financial performance.
This certification measures an institution's social and environmental performance.
It demonstrates its commitment to social and environmental impact, and its degree of legal responsibilitý.


Our documentation



Find a job within 3 months of graduation.


Some students

Satisfied with their studies at IMSG.


Partner companies

As part of the school-business duality.



Among students.

Information, program and appointment request

First name